Tuesday 30 August 2016

30bc blog post the phoenix of destiny

Title: The phoenix of destiny 
Author:Geronimo Stilton  
Genre: Fantasy
Summary : This is one of my favorite books out of the Geronimo Stilton collection. Geronimo Stilton goes on lots of adventures and he completes is missions and becomes the prince of Crystal Castle. 
Image result for phoenix of destiny


  1. Hola Katelin.
    I really liked your 30bc post. The book sounds very interesting. It has made me very interested in the book. I think I would like to read it.
    Why did you choose to read this book ?
    What made the book so interesting? How did you get into reading this book?

    From Mya.

    1. Hi mya thanks for the comment I read this book because Kaede told me how cool it was so I read an it was really cool. The book was interesting because the pictures and some of the pages were just really cool cause when you read it you just wont to keep reading it. From Katelin.


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