Friday 18 October 2019

Persuasive Writing

This week we are going over persuasive writing because we
have a test coming up.

Our first activity was to get with a partner and we had to roll
a dice which then we got a topic which we had to do. My topic
was: Is it cruel to keep animals in zoos? This was a good topic
for me and Rylan because we both agreed that it was cruel.
It was a fun topic to do.

Is it cruel to keep animals in zoos?

A zoo is a place where animals are in a contained  environment
that is visited by people. Animals are often in a completely
different country and separated from their families and put
in a zoo nowhere near there home country. 

We strongly agree that it’s cruel for animals to be kept in
zoos for these following reasons. 

Firstly we believe it is cruel because animals are often kept in
enclosures that are nothing compared to their natural habitat
for example sharks and dolphins fins are being bent because
there enclosures are too small and contained. Also lions can
run for days but in a zoo they would feel trapped in such a
small enclosure. 

Secondly, we believe it is cruel because some people choose to
be annoying and disturb the animals. Banging on their cages
just for a photo. We believe animals shouldn't be controlled
just for photos because the zookeeper's sometimes harm them
to sit still for a photo

Thirdly we believe it is cruel for people to take animals from
there families to be put in a zoo. Some animals get taken when
they are babies and they need their parents. Imagine you
being taken from you family and get put into a random place
with no one. How would you feel?

We strongly believe that it's cruel for animals to be kept in
zoos because their enclosures are not like their natural
habitats, they are mistreated by visitors to zoos and animals
are separated from their families. We want zoos to be changed
for the safety and protection of all animals.

Earthquake Drill

This week on Thursday we had to do a earthquake and tsunami drill for safety reasons to teach us and mostly the younger kids what to do. We first go a phone call saying there had been an earthquake which we all had to get under desks, we stayed there for about 1 min. Then we got another call saying there was a tsunami which we needed to evacuate the buildings. The school had to evacuate and run up a hill which was the closest to our school. 

I think it is good to practice to know what to do if it did happen. Do you have a plan?